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Health and Safety

WHS Policy

[insert company name] is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers (including on-hire workers, contractors and volunteers) as well as clients, visitors and members of the public. 

Our approach to work health and safety (WHS) is one of continuous improvement. The process of continuous improvement at [insert company name] occurs by establishing measurable objectives, and targets, and consistently reviewing our organisational activities, associated risks, legal obligations and work health and safety performance.

As a recruitment and staffing firm, there are situations, including placing on-hire workers with host organisations, where we share responsibility for work health and safety.  In these situations, we are committed to consulting, cooperating and coordinating activities with all other persons who have a work health and safety duty in relation to the same matter.

1.                Objectives

The objectives of this policy are to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable:

·       risks to work health and safety are controlled through the engagement of all stakeholders in a positive and proactive culture of health and safety;

·       safe systems of work are provided and maintained at all times in all workplaces;

·       workers are provided with adequate information, training, instruction and supervision needed for them to work safely and without risks to their health;

·       adequate facilities are provided for the welfare of our workers;

·       the health of operational and on-hire workers and the conditions of the workplaces where they work are monitored;

·       health and safety policies and procedures comply with legislative requirements; and

·       health and safety performance is continually reviewed and improved.

As a provider of on-hire services, we understand the importance of working with all stakeholders to achieve our health and safety objectives.

2.                Responsibilities

2.1.           Company

The company is responsible for, as far as reasonably practicable:

·       ensuring the health and safety of workers and other persons is not put at risk from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business;

·       effective implementation of the work health and safety management system driven by senior management;

·       providing appropriate level of resources to the work health and safety management system;

·       defining the key WHS management system responsibilities and communicating these to the relevant personnel;

·       provision of adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to enable workers to carry out their tasks safely;

·       maintaining effective communication and consultation including consultation, cooperation and coordination with key stakeholders on health and safety matters; and

·       ensuring systems are in place to allow for consultation and the identification and resolution of work health and safety issues.

2.2.           Officers

Officers are responsible for exercising due diligence, by taking reasonable steps:

·       to keep abreast of work health and safety requirements and matters;

·       to gain an understanding of the operational risks to which workers may be exposed to;

·       to ensure the company has appropriate resources to effectively manage operational risks;

·       to ensure the company has adequate processes in place to gather and consider information regarding hazards, risks and incidents and responding to those in a timely and effective manner;

·       to ensure the company implements, monitors and verifies the effectiveness of processes for complying with duties of the company under the relevant health and safety legislation;

2.3.           Managers

Managers are responsible for taking all practical measure to ensure that:

·       this policy and WHS procedures are implemented and complied with in their areas of control;

·       workers are adequately informed, trained and supervised

·       WHS risks are identified and adequate control measures implemented

·       workers and their representatives are consulted on issues which affect their health and safety and any concerns raised are adequately addressed in a timely manner or escalated to senior management.

·       the health and safety of workers and conditions at the workplace are monitored.

2.4.           Operational and on-hire workers

Operational workers and on-hire workers are responsible for:

·       following all work health and safety policies and procedures;

·       ensuring their own and others health and safety is not affected by their actions;

·       working with host’s and business partners to achieve the objectives outlined in this policy; and

·       reporting all incidents including unsafe work practices, hazards, near misses and injuries.

2.5.           Clients and visitors

Clients and visitors are responsible for:

·       ensuring that their actions or failure to act does not put themselves or our workers health and safety at risk;

·       following any reasonable instructions that we may give to ensure their health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace.


Endorsed by

[insert name and title of most senior manager], [insert signature], [insert date]


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